I'm not dead, I'm just resting my eyes

There is no helping the helpless.
So much for the grand plan to rejuvinate myself artistically, eh? I tried, I failed, my mood went down faster than Monica Lewinsky (old cultural reference, I know) and I deleted myself from social networking sites and became addicted to The Wire (ta' Alex). Honestly, in terms of liberating experiences, binning a Facebook profile is right up there with running naked through the streets on drugs.
Annoyingly, despite my intentions to do something more visual, my attentions have veered recklessly back towards the aural again (fuck you, music). All of the illustrative beginnings of this stupid idea of a "five words" project are there, and honestly, some of them look really good. Honest. I will finish them eventually.
I will.


Grilly said…
please tell me you drew that picture.
Anonymous said…
I did indeed; there was someone from IT on the phone who was trying to dictate a URL to her. It wouldn't be so bad if her voice didn't always raise in volume and pitch when she gets stressed.

About everything.

All of the time.
muckle said…
I cannot help but feel a wee bit responsible for this.

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