Johanna Brewer: Aesthetic Journeys

A long time ago (3 years) in a land far away (Crystal Palace), I was interviewed by a friend of a friend as part of a series of interviews with people who use the London transport system on a daily basis. The paper was entitled "Aesthetic Journeys", and I was asked (I think) because of my old 3d tube map project, which even at that point, two years after creation, was like a forgotten box of memories under the bed for me.

I'm normally quite poor at remembering the fine details of events, but I remember it being a strange interview in that I went off on all sorts of bizarre tangents about how I get around London and the things I carry with me to survive the journey. In essence, I was never sure how useful my nonsensical ramblings were, but for some reason today, it struck me that I hadn't ever read the research paper,
which is here. It's a good read, but I'm ashamed to say that I've only gone through half of it so far; I'll finish the rest on my bus and train journey home, which seems like a fitting way to digest the information.

Incidentally, if you do read through it, I'm the one called "Carey" (my real name is Corey).


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